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Just because Im excited...

So I thought I'd share...
Have any of you used Square before? I heard about it awhile ago, but finally just started. :)
Now my customers have the option to pay with their cards too!
(I love that you can still sign for it and I can send you text and/or email you copies of your receipts.)
Pretty sweet eh?

Take a quick poll!

Please take a second and answer this quick poll so I can get a feel for what things you guys really are/arent interested in ...and what things would make good 'specials'! ;)

Winners of our first Facebook fans drawing!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! :) 
One of the things I'm thankful for is everyone's support & 'likes' on my new page. *wink* 
We reached 50 (plus a couple) fans last night! ....So are you ready for the winners of our first drawing?! (I decided to pick 3 instead of just 1), so congrats to: 
Erin Hunter Jensen
Aubri Olson
Larynn Eynon Lee 
Contact me and let me know when you ladies have picked what you want for your FREE SERVICE and we'll get you an appointment asap! :)
 The next giveaway is at 100 'likes' and Im giving out a brand new CHI flat iron!! (click here for Facebook page) please keep sharing my page and spreading the word! -Oh and dont forget about my other awesome specials and referral rewards (seen here) going on now! *wink*
Thanks everyone!
PS  Also Kittie Rosales and Kynslie Giddens, you guys were actually both picked as winners first but I already know you and know you that you live out of state so I picked new winners in your place ....however if you come to visit anytime soon let me know and we'll still do your hair k?!

Want a chance to win some sweet prizes?!

I started a hair page on Facebook today too (see link in sidebar over here -->), and I've decided to start off with a couple of fun giveaways as rewards for all the 'likes' it gets! :)
When it hits 50 'likes' I'm going giveaway some FREE services of YOUR (the winner's) choice (originally I was going to pick one winner but that might change *wink*) 
...and then when I reach 100 'likes' I'm thinking we'll giveaway a brand new CHI flat iron!
So be sure to go 'like' my page (click here if you need) & pass it on! 

PS Don't forget to check my current deal on referral rewards! :)


My name is Jes and I'm a hair stylist here in Cache Valley.
I'm just barely starting this blog (-again! lol), so please pardon the kinks and anything 'funny' that you may come across as I'm getting everything all put together over the next little while!
(I probably should get this all perfected beforehand, but oh well! *wink*)
Please let me know if you have any requests for tips/tutorials, services, ...or just anything else you'd like to see or think I might need. :)
Stay tuned for more pictures, some handy tips/tutorials, and even some fun specials and promotions!
Let me know if you're interested in an appointment, and thanks for stopping by!


Remember seeing Sherrie here too? We recently did her hair again, and along with her cut and color (reddish this time) we also cut a little bit of bangs. Isn't she gorgeous?! 
(sorry its just a cell phone pic ...and ignore the garbage can backdrop, haha!)


Remember seeing her before here? Stev's one of those cute girls who changes up her hair a lot -which is so fun for me! We've done her hair several times since that original shoot (at the previous link), but here's another fun look we've done with her color as she grows it out again:
We were going for a Christina Perri look, and I have to admit that I love it so much Ive been fighting myself not to copy it ever since! *wink*